Painting (2007-2010)

「感情」 1000×727mm キャンバスに油彩 2007年
「身体」 1000×727mm キャンバスに油彩 2007年
「胴」 1000×727mm キャンバスに油彩 2007年
「哄笑」 1000×727mm キャンバスに油彩 2007年
「熱帯」キャンバスにアクリル 1455×1121mm  2008年
「三つに裂けた黄色い顔」キャンバスにアクリル  652×652mm  2008年
「赤い家」キャンバスにアクリル・油彩 652×652mm  2009年
「grass」キャンバスにアクリル  530×530mm 2009年
「秋」キャンバスにアクリル 364×257mm 2008年
「のなかのばら」キャンバスにアクリル 364×257mm 2008年
「熱」 キャンバスにアクリル 364×257mm 2008年
「庭」 キャンバスにアクリル 364×257mm 2009年
「沢、蟹」 キャンバスにアクリル 364×257mm 2009年
「低い山」 キャンバスにアクリル 364×257mm 2009年
「秋、腐葉土」 キャンバスにアクリル 364×257mm 2009年
「台風」 キャンバスにアクリル 364×257mm 2009年
『「トーテム中学生」の絵』 530×550mm 綿布にアクリル 2010年
『「出歯亀」の絵』 455×380mm 綿布にアクリル 2010年
『「森林公園」の絵』 410×318mm 綿布にアクリル 2010年
「シャツ」 綿布にアクリル 1000×803mm 2010年
「ノイズ(アニミズム)」綿布にジェッソ、マーカー 1455×894mm 2010年
「体育」 綿布にアクリル 728×1030mm 2010年
「ノイズ(数学)」 綿布にアクリル 364×257mm 2010年
「ノイズ(蟻)」 綿布にアクリル 364×257mm 2010年
「ノイズ(幹)」 綿布にアクリル 364×257mm 2010年
「ノイズ(嵐)」 綿布にアクリル 364×257mm 2010年
「海の見える窓」 綿布にアクリル 652×652mm 2010年
「林の中」 綿布にアクリル 455×380mm 2010年

2005.11「Life / Painting」

2005.11.15 (tue) – 20 (sun)
京都造形芸術大学 ギャラリーRAKU(京都)







2005年11月 和出伸一

“Life / Painting”
2005.11.15 (tue) – 20 (sun)
Kyoto University of Art and Design, Gallery RAKU (Kyoto)

 The deep flow of life has little to do with the ripples of joy, anger, and sadness that we encounter every day, but simply flows on and on. And when we will something, that stream hits an obstacle in the outside world and makes a big splash. We need external obstacles in order to know our weight and shape, to relate to this world, to be real in this world. We cannot directly control the deep raw flow of life, but we can will something. And that is the only way we can make our life our own.

 It may be something small. Getting up early in the morning, cleaning, working, talking to others….

 In every small moment, we continue to tirelessly will, and only that fact shakes our life, gives it weight, gives it meaning, connects us to this world, and holds us there. And I believe that only the weight of such a small but sure accumulation can support expression.

 The white screen in front of us exists on the outside, where we are unable to move. We repeatedly claw at the outside of the screen without understanding anything, bumping into it, being played with it, and breaking it. Painting is one of our small ways of groping, as we can only live in the moment with such blindness.

 To paint as we go about our daily lives, as a matter of course. In a world where it is difficult to find certainty, I believe that the only way to lead to a true life with feet on the ground is for each person to take such things for granted and to continue to do them with care.

 During the exhibition period, ink drawings will be done at the exhibition site every day, and the works will be spread out on the floor one after another. I do not know what will appear, but I would be happy if we can sense something solid together.

November 2005 Shinichi Wade

2004.2「SIGNAL 和出伸一・2,000のドローイング」

2004.2.10 (tue) – 15 (sun)
京都造形芸術大学 ギャラリーRAKU(京都)















2004年2月 和出 伸一

SIGNAL: 2,000 Drawings by Shinichi Wade
2004.2.10 (tue) – 15 (sun)
Kyoto University of Art and Design, Gallery RAKU, Kyoto

I feel that there is a huge monster lurking in this world.
That monster that lurks within this world, covering this world and invading us undeniably. It is that beast that has been lurking in this world for a long time and has been pushing us forward.

 I have recently been frightened by the shadow of that monster in the news, in the streets, on TV, and in popular music.

 Today we are standing alone in a lonely uncertainty, having lost both the traditions that underpinned our values and the authority that we should defy. The grounded life, the stability of tradition, and the prestige of authority had tamed the monster, but now that there is nothing left to believe in, it may be about to be freed from its wedge and let loose.

 1,000 meters underground in Kamioka-cho, Yoshiki-gun, Gifu Prefecture, lies Super-Kamiokande, a facility for observing cosmic particles at the Institute for Cosmic Ray Research of the University of Tokyo. It is a huge cylinder filled with pure water, 39.3 meters in diameter and 40.4 meters high. This facility is used to observe neutrinos, a type of elementary particle. The device is buried deep underground in order to completely block out extraneous noise by taking advantage of the neutrino’s strong permeability to penetrate the earth. Neutrinos emit light when they pass through pure water. In order to capture this faint light, the inner walls of the cylinder are covered with numerous photomultiplier tubes, which are eye-like sensors.

 I was strongly moved by this device’s presence.

 A strange observatory buried deep underground.
 A huge cylinder filled with dark water.
 Countless eyes staring only at its closed interior.
 A device that captures ghostly signals that pass through everything.

 This exhibition is an attempt to install such a device inside the gallery.

 The monster has no form by itself, and cannot be captured by words or reason. I believe that the simple device of “drawing” is sensitive enough to capture the subtle signals that the monster emits as it passes through us.

 In a place that can only be transcended by excess, I want to see one of the powers of drawing. This power will be a lighthouse for those of us who are always in danger of falling into the darkness of self-closure, and it will give us the strength to face the monsters.

 When we stand at the center of this apparatus, that monster will reveal itself to us.

February 2004 Shinichi Wade